Iconoclast Scott Adams provides one of my favorite podcasts. He is an out of the box thinker, and recently created…
In this morning’s episode (231) of The Andrew Klavan Show, Klavan had a particularly witty opening monologue, poking fun at Dylan…
To be intelligent contributors to our society, we muse select reputable news sources inside and OUTSIDE of our normal biases. Not…
As Albert Mohler intoned in his recent Washington Post article, Donald Trump has created an excruciating moment for evangelicals. While…
I am not an apologist for Trump, and I don’t like him actually. But the arguments above are not meant to justify his candidacy, but…
When Trump attempts to make a half-serious overture of understanding to gun advocates, he is not intentionally, nor actually encouraging the rank and file to…
Solving the healthcare problem won’t be easy, for a couple of reasons. First, we don’t have a model that allows…
Is Obama facilitating change or forcing it? Here’s today’s quote. Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of…
Republicans and conservatives are often accused of holding President Obama to an impossible standard and simply criticizing him for every decision he makes. It is…
One of the repeated political strategies of the Obama administration has be to blame any of the current problems facing our nation on his predecessor…
Courtesy of Faith 2 Action. 1. Government Health Care Takeover. The Senate debate of health care is now underway. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants…
Freedomworks.com is now taking pre-orders for it's nice poster commemorating the 'historic' anti-big-government march on Washington D.C. this month. "The…
Many conservatives ridiculed some Obama supporters for their seemingly religious devotion to a politician. Some conservatives also expressed concern (at…
that no one who has signed a Birther or Truther petition should be tolerated within our government, either as an…
Two former Bush Administration officials are calling on Republicans to resist the political urge and growing historical tendency to refuse…
I have detailed in great depths my distaste for and distrust of the "birther movement,' as defined as those individuals,…
Ted Kennedy was passionate about the things he believed. I did not agree with him on virtually any issue, but…
Who said the following? I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this…
We can all disagree on whether Obama should be more vocal in his support for the Iranian opposition or not,…
Recently the staff of an elected official defended DOMA by citing Catalano v. Catalano, a marriage in Italy between an…
I wish I had taken off of work to attend a TEA Party protest yesterday (TEA = Taxed Enough Already),…
Most often conservatives, especially evangelical, are portrayed as followers ("easy to command" anyone?). However, there is wide variety among those…
Yes, I said I would be cutting back on politics. You will have to trust me on this one –…
We have had much debate recently over whether Obama has flip-flopped on key issues. I have admitted that McCain has…