One of my favorite iconoclasts, Dilbert creator Scott Adams, has created another nice hierarchy. Where are you on your climate alarm journey? 1. Trust the…
I am irritated with the whole Global Warming (GW) discussion, for many reasons, and I am not alone. A recent episode of the excellent podcast…
A recent book by E. Calvin Beisner entitled Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry into the Environmental Debate gave me the idea for this post…
In discussing Global Warming Alarmism (GWA), I have begun to see a pattern of evasion emerge among GWA proponents. It is an alarming (pun intended)…
Many evangelicals have joined the chorus in support of reducing greenhouse emissions, but I am still on the fence about global warming. Like Bill O’Reilly,…
Dr. Frank Wright, President and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters, has provided a simple and straightforward, if not simplistic speech about how truth is…
There are a mix of noble and ignoble reasons why conservatives oppose the global warming initiatives. Of course, the ignoble one is that many are…
Here’s the abbreviated list from a good article from the American entitled When to Doubt a Scientific “Consensus”. You can also hear an interview with…
I couldn’t think of a good title for this great illustration, found on iMaksim’s blog. So I went obnoxious – but also, it turns out…
In less than a week, a new film critiquing the many mistakes of Al Gore’s global warming alarm movie An Inconvenient Truth, will be released.…
Ever wonder how the whole global warming scare all came about? As it turns out, the original data used to get us all alarmed is…
The American Thinker has published a very interesting article entitled Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis, in which the author examines what amounts…
Wintery Knight Blog has an exclusive 11 page transcript of the official testimony of William Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor of Physics at Princeton…
Jay W. Richards, Director of Acton Media and a Research Fellow at the Acton Institute, recently gave an excellent lecture entitled Is it Hot In…
The Center for Research on Globalization has posted an article entitled Global Warming: A Convenient Lie, which gives a nice overview of the very real…
Catholic Priest, writer, and founder of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty Robert Sirico, recently gave a nice lecture entitled The…
File Under “Don’t All Christians/Baptists think alike” – Southern Baptist leaders find new “moral voice” on the environment and climate change.
This has been all over the blogosphere, but I had to mention it – John Coleman (d. 2018), founder of the Weather Channel, has written…
One of my favorite magazines is New Scientist. Despite their pro-evolution and pro-global warming position, they digest and present what’s going on in science very…
Here’s my summary of why stubborn global-warming critics still exist despite the “overwhelming scientific consensus.” If global warming critics were saying that “the impact won’t…
The BBC documentary entitled The Great Global Warming Swindle is up on YouTube.
EO has an interesting take on Global Warming Strategies examining the political, scientific, and moral aspects of the global warming issue, and what combinations of…
A new documentary is coming out June 28 (NY and LA only) entitled Who Killed the Electric Car? You want the answer? The oil companies…
Last week, I posted on how politics skews the reporting of scientific research, citing the gap between the Chernobyl statistics of the U.N. and Greenpeace…