Like it or not, think it's pejorative or not, the current logic people are using to justify and legalize gay relationships applies equally to other…
HT: Psychoteddy
Okay, you're a headline writer and someone plops down a funny story about a White House aide giving out the wrong phone number for a…
HT: Collide Magazine
Complements of LibertyLive
The latest from Diversity Lane
I'm sure that libs will not see the humor in (I copied the code below), but will ascribe to us the same hatred they…
Population experts such as Paul R. Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus have long contended that humans are heading for mass starvation due to overpopulation. They have…
McCain has promised to set up a new governmental spy agency to deal with terrorism which would be unencumbered by much of the bureaucratic malaise…
This post is part of a series. Might as well list these – things that bug me in church. You secularist anti-religionists probably have your own…
This post is part of a series. Probably nowhere else do we get more annoyed than when driving. Here’s my most treasured peeves. People who speed…
This post is part of a series. What really annoys you when you are out to eat? Probably not the same things as me. Sure, there…
This post is part of a series. We all have things that other people do that bother us, even though we know they should not. …
Forget Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain. I have found the candidate am I voting for in November: “Yes, we shall!“
I know this sounds very strange, but the new phone system at work provides me great enjoyment. One of the phones in our area sounds…
Courtesy of LarkNews.
Here’s some cute misunderstandings of God by kids, sent to me as some internet spam. Enjoy. LOT’S WIFEThe Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot’s…
I am assuming this is not a April Fool’s Joke, since the story was posted several days ago, but you have to read it to…
For those of you who are gamers and cat lovers, you already know what a LOLcat is. Now, the Bible is being translated into LOLcat. …