One of the interesting defenses of Islam I have heard goes like this – both of the other monontheistic religions (Judaism and Xianity) were more…
Time magazine’s cover story The Evolution Wars. Included in their coverage is a piece about conflicts between God and evolution. They interviewed four different people…
Rev. Jerry Falwell is often the left’s poster boy for the religious right. Sometimes he makes some statements that place him on the fringe of…
My blogroll currently has 132 feeds, and I recently trimmed it down. I now have my faith-related blogs in three folders, triage style. The truth? …
You just cannot understand the depth of my loathing right now for the way those in the gay marriage movement think: I truly hate it.…
Since Wizbang linked to the news of Dr. Anthony Flew leaving atheism behind, I thought it was safe for me to do something similar. (I…
There once was a Darwin devotee Whose phylogenetics were hokey “I know my origin” He said with a sly grin “I have a great uncle…
In recent discussion on this blog, it has come to light that I have an extensive knowledge of 90’s Pro Wrestling and enjoy an artistic…
My dearest nephew Wormwood, Why do you insist on twisting my helpful words into an attack against me? Do you honestly think you can go…
I love finding decent books in the bargains section of Barnes and Noble. This week, I found the followign two volumes, for $4 each. The…
In a column for the Guardian, Polly Toynbee illustrates the peril that awaits Christianity in the very near future. Who does Toynbee blame for the…
Did you ever wonder what would happen if you threw Romeo and Juliet, Robin Hood, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and 24 together in a blender?…
Forgetable family fun – that would be how I would describe Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I went to see the movie with…
One of the hardest things for me to do as a Christian husband is to love my wife “as Christ loved the Church.” It is…
This past weekend, I was helping a friend clear off some land so he and his wife could build a home there. It was hot,…
My Dear Nephew Wormwood, It seems your charge has started what the human vermin call a “blog.” This presents new issues that you can use…
My favorite show on TV of late has been PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. This week, they had an excellent first of a two part…
I am according to Tim Challies (whom I greatly respect as a Christian blogger) from In this post, which draws heavily from an article…
Bryanm over at The Narrow has a nice post on Progressive Xianity, i.e. liberal Xianity. He mentioned the Issues page of the CAFP, which I…
The latest Supreme Court ruling has upheld land seziure by the city of New London, CT, who took private residential property for in order to…
Well, the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) soundly rejected the resolution recommending that Xians take their kids out of public schools. No word on the…
Two current political issues that are just beginning to make waves are the proposed flag burning amendment and an Islamic group’s challenge to the tradition…
Rating: 3 of 5 stars Veil of Deception: The Impact of Same Sex Marriage on American Youth is a DVD from, a Christian organization…
Having just began reading Total Truth, it is amazing to see the insights that Nancy Pearcey brings in the first couple of chapters. I had…