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Collision documents an interesting friendship on the Atheism debate trail1 min read

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You’ve got to hand it to Christopher Hitchens for making the decision to go out of friendly territory to debate Christians on their own turf across the US. Not content with doing a promotion tour for his infamous anti-theist screed God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, he decided to tour with Christian apologist Douglas Wilson.

You can hear some of Wilson’s debates at Apolgetics 315, including one with “Hitch,” as his atheist fans call him.  You can also visit Richard Dawkins’ site to watch a video of a Hitchens / Wilson Debate. Last, and probably best, you can read a six part back and forth email discussion between the two on Is Christianity Good for the World?

But if you really want to see what goes on on the Tour Bus as these two men travel together debating across the country, you should check out the new documentary Collision (some nice preview vids there).

For a mere $14, you can pre-order the video at Amazon: COLLISION: Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson.