The miraculous gifts given to the apostles, and perhaps all followers of Jesus, including healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues (cf. Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians…
adjective Of an even, composed frame of mind; of a steady temper; not easily elated or depressed. Calm and composed; of stable disposition. In full control…
The use of ambiguous language or expressions that have double meanings, often with the intent to deceive or mislead. It involves using words that can…
The final event in the divine plan; the end of the world.
adj. employing scientific analysis of physical evidence (as from a crime scene)
HermeneuticsHermeneutics (/ˌhɜːrməˈnjuːtɪks/) is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, as well as philosophical texts. It involves considering…
n. direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension. a function of the spirit rather than the mind
appealing to the higher emotions or to the aesthetic sense : SPIRITUAL
A process of defining the measurement of a phenomenon that is not directly measurable, though its existence is inferred by other phenomena. Operationalization OperationalismA process…
The Pentateuch includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The literary category of the PentateuchThe Pentateuch includes the first five books…
The psychological state of lacking the belief that God exists. For more see Atheism and Agnosticism.
The proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, to the proposition that there are no gods). For more see Atheism and Agnosticism.
A line (as of cord) that has at one end a weight (such as a plumb bob) and is used especially to determine verticality.
The psychological state of lacking the belief that God exists. For more see Atheism and Agnosticism
Vindications of God’s goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.
A vindication of God’s goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.
from theos (God) and nomos (law), a hypothetical Christian form of government in which society is ruled by divine law. Theonomists hold that divine law,…